Thursday, October 13, 2011


2 hours of work, and all for 8 little pies?  They looked measly in comparison to the pile of dishes to wash and discouragingly non-chocolatey.  I didn't even try one til 4 hours later, because anyone who knows me knows that anything with fruit does not count as a dessert (except chocolate fondue).  But then I did try one. And then there were 5 (Bill helped).

All Butter, Really Flaky Pie Dough - Smitten Kitchen
Makes enough dough for one double-, or two single-crust pies.
2 1/2 cups flour
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 sticks (8 ounces, 16 tablespoons or 1 cup) unsalted butter, very cold
1 cup ice water (you may not need all of it)

Filling: 3 medium apples, squeeze of lemon juice, 1/3c sugar, 1tsp ground cinnamon, nutmeg, any other spices

DO NOT LET DOUGH GET WARM.  EVER.  Warm dough melts the butter pieces and results into almost no flakiness.

Pre-cube butter then re-refrigerate, chill cup of ice water
Blend first 3 ingredients in food processor, then add butter and pulse until pea-like
Transfer to big mixing bowl
Add water a little at a time until clumpy, form into dough by hand
Divide into two discs in plastic wrap, refrigerate about 2 hours
Roll out into flat pieces, then re-chill
Mini-pie assembly: cut with cookie cutter circles (or loosely by hand into circles), re-refrigerate, then take them out only two at a time to add filling (small amount!), add water along edges, add top piece, crimp together using fork, brush with egg yolk, and sprinkle with a bit of sugar.  To be fancy (recommended!) use some extra dough scraps to cut out a simple shape (star? diamond?) to stick onto the top of the pie with water.  Bake at 350, check at 20 min.

Pumpkin pie: 
Use 1/2 of pie dough recipe, press chilled dough into pie plate, refrigerate 15 minutes, fold under sides of pan, place on baking sheet, cover with sheet of foil and pie weights or pennies.  Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, then remove foil/weights, rotate, and bake another 5-10 minutes.

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